lördag 24 november 2007

Förord till boken Big Mind Big Heart av Ken Wilber

Ken skriver ett förord till en bok som Genpo Roshi skrivit. Blev rätt tagen av den. Orkade inte översätta den idag till svenska. Det här är en del av förordet, tog med det som jag tyckte var viktigast:

Big Mind Process works with your own mind, with your states of consciousness, just as they are now. What you don’t know, if you haven’t had a satori or awakening of some sort, is that right now, reading this page, is Big Mind, or God, or Spirit. And it is so close and so obvious that you can’t see it. But Genpo, in this book (which is a simple handbook of how to do Big Mind/Big Heart practice yourself), will show you that part of your own awareness, right now, which is already enlightened, already one with Spirit, already fully awakened. And once you spot that, an entirely different world opens for you.

The book you have in your hands right now will, I can almost guarantee it, open your mind’s eye and show you how, in this very instant, Spirit is fully and completely present, looking through your eyes, listening with your ears, holding this book in its hands: right now! And it always has been, but it was too close to see, too obvious to notice, too simple to believe.

This extraordinary discovery awaits you in this book. But start here, with this book, and this simple but profound process, and be prepared to find your own True Self, possibly for the first time, but joyous in any event. And you will learn to integrate the finite or dualistic selves (the skeptic, the controller, the victim, the damaged child, the angry mind, the seeking mind, etc.) with the Infinite or Non-dual Self in its many displays (Big Mind, Big Heart, Integrated Feminine/Masculine, Great Joy, Great Gratitude, Integrated Free-Functioning—the Ultimate Goal).

A genuine taste of all of this awaits your reading pleasure, my friend, and I am happy and hopeful for you that you will simply relax the mind, rest in the present, let your consciousness go free, for it has no walls—and then read this book, or simply let it soak into you, let the words wash through you, and soon enough, that “you” will be “YOU”—which is to say, I AMness, your own True, Infinite, and Eternal Nature: “before Abraham was, I AM.” This book is truly a handbook of Awakening to I AMness, which is already looking out of your eyes right now.

I am adding my own blessings to these wonderful words of awakening that this book contains, and may the merit of all of this be dedicated to sentient beings everywhere, that they too may wake up and discover who, and what, they really are. In that awakening, suffering can find no purchase; in that enlightenment, hatred and anger can find no home; gratitude and joy inexplicably arise in their place, dancing wildly in the deepest clarity and most astonishing thankfulness, all of which together provide an endless fountain of awakened joy, happiness, compassion, and wisdom, pouring out of your mind and your heart (now your Big Mind and Big Heart), and into the world in a gushing and uncontrollably overflowing superabundance of radiance, release, bliss, luminosity, celebration, and joy.

Now look at me, my friend, and listen, please, I’m truly serious: isn’t it time for you to wake up? How long have you been lost in this dream? Can’t you feel the wisdom holders shaking you, saying, “Wake up, please, this is just a dream!” You know this, don’t you? You know that in the deepest part of your being, you can wake up, don’t you? You have been searching for how long now? Well, it is time for the Great Search to end. As long as you are searching, you are looking for a future moment that will be better than this moment, but it is this moment that holds the entire key: why are you running away from your own awakening?

So stop searching, take a breath, and start reading this manual for Awakening to the present moment, and I think you will never be able to look back. And then, if you and I ever meet, we will know each other, won’t we? With a twinkle in your eye, a slight smile on your face, a radiance in your heart, you and I will look into the eyes of each other and see the one and only Self, Big Mind, Big Heart, and the days and nights of the endless search will have lost its dreadfully painful meaning.

And we will have Dennis Genpo Merzel Roshi to thank, for discovering a simple and original process of Awakening right now. And so I offer the deepest bow to Genpo, offer the merit to all sentient beings, and into your hands, with infinite blessings, I now pass on this extraordinary book to you.

Ken Wilber

Har redan själv beställt boken, man blir ju onekligen nyfiken med sådana här förord.

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