onsdag 25 november 2009


Whats happening?

Perceiving is happening.

You are just perceiving and....

... the life is just raining down by itself.



tisdag 24 november 2009

Jac O'Keeffe

Quote by Jac:

The freedom you look for is where you look from.

Jac O'Keeffe




Do your best and let God take care of his own creation.



söndag 22 november 2009

Helpful Quotes

Every appearance is one with that or wich experiences it.
The substance that appeares in consciousness is also made of consciousness.

Mind itself is an appearance of totality, of consciousness.

Everything arises within me.
To bee this knowing precense.

Rupert Spira

When the "story" surrenders, when the "story" drops it's easy, simple, effortless. What is. No fight. Still.

What you 'are' is not conscious of time.

When we open our hearts to life, life opens to us.


Meditation is a natural state in ourselfs when we are not concerned about ourselfs.


The way is each moment. Jon Bernie

lördag 21 november 2009

Consciousness is all we ever experience

Rupert Spira is saying that; "Consciousness is all we ever experience", and then he goes....

...Use your own line of reasoning to ascertain the truth about yourself. That it seems reasonable to say that whatever is always a part of your experience is a part of your self. Simply apply that criteria to your actual experience.

Ask yourself what is always present in your experience and know that whatever you find is your self. Knowing is always present because 'something' is known in every experience. Even if what is known is an illusion, the illusion is known. Being is present in every experience, simply by virtue of the fact that experience IS.

Therefore you know for certain that you are Knowing and Being or Knowing Presence. These two elements (apparently two) are obvious in all experience. This Knowing Presence is in fact not two things.

When the dualising mind rises up and seems to separate this oneness of Knowing being into two apparent things (an entity residing in the body and an outside, separate world of objects and others) this Knowing of our own Being seems to be lost.

This Knowing of our own Being is simply the familiar experience of peace or love. In other words peace or love is also inherent in our self but seems to be veiled by the apparent separation of experience into two things. So Knowing, Being and Loving are inherent in what we are - that is our simple moment by moment experience. Just live this understanding in your everyday life in relation to people, animals, objects, situations and events, and everything will fall into place.

Rupert Spira

I love his pointing.



onsdag 18 november 2009


The seeing is the freeing.

Kevin Edwards

tisdag 17 november 2009

Quotes by Satyananda

"There is peace available within you, beyond fear and sadness. You can discover how to live it in daily life."

"Meditation is a natural state in ourselfs when we are not concerned with ourselfs.




torsdag 12 november 2009

Jac O'Keeffe

A interesting Satsangteacher, Jac O'Keeffe, quote.....

"There is nothing to fix, nothing to do, nothing needs to be better, nicer, or in a certain way, all that stuff is just thoughts, there's no need to take any interest in it. How things are is just fine. Rest. Rest on the inside."

Jac O'Keeffe



tisdag 10 november 2009

The true words.

Why speak when it is not in the words?....why?...well there is an anecdot;

The Disciples were full of questions about ‘God’ The Master said;"God is the unknown and the unknowable, every statement and any answer or question is a distortion about 'the truth'". The disciples was bewildered and asked why he was talking at all? "Why did the birds sing?” said the master, "not because they have a statement but because they have a song. The words of the scholar are to be understood, but the word of the master is not to be understood. They are listening to as one would be listening to the wind in the trees, and a sound of the river or to a song of a bird. The words will awaken something, but in a heart that is beyond all knowledge.




söndag 8 november 2009

Peter Francis Dziuban

One of my favorits, Peter Francis Dziuban. A tip:

The only Self, Life, Awareness, there is, is the Infallible Present, and again, It, too is entirely impersonal. But that happens to be this Alive Present Awareness aware here, now. The fact that It is entirely impersonal doesn’t make It one bit less PRESENT.

The Absolute Present leaves no history of even Itself! Not even the Present has been before!

"Who is being conscious besides Consciousness itself to not be ready to be fully conscious?"

Consciousness, or what is often also called the Self, the One, Life Itself, Love, the Divine or God—already is this very One being conscious and alive here, now. There is only this One, and no other lesser life or experience that ever became separate.

Peter Francis Dziuban



Something else

This is a good one;

"If you only want Realization and nothing but Realization then nothing can stop you; but if you want Realization and something else, you will always get the something else. "




onsdag 4 november 2009

Adyashanti: Complete Interview

Anyone who comes to my blogg should take some time and look at this clip of Adyashanti:



tisdag 3 november 2009

'The land of confusion'

A story....

There was a rabbi who was visited by a dead man who had a problem: he thought he lived. "Don't you know?" the rabbi explained, "you are not anymore amongst the living. You reside in 'the land of confusion' ". When the Rabbies son heard about that he started worrying that he also lived in the 'land of confusion'. "When you know that there exists such a land you cannot reside in it" said the Rabbi.


When you are aware of 'the land of confusion'...

You are Not in it, and...

When you are Not aware, you are in it.



söndag 1 november 2009

Your Body

Quote of the day:

Regarding your body and the experience of the body, see that you are not just that which is appearing as your body. You are that which appears, you are that to which it appears and you are all the rest at every moment.

Francis Lucille

