onsdag 23 december 2009


Pointing words from Prakash....

The Seer naturally loves the Seen. Seer and Seen are one. Knower and known are one. Seeker and sought are one. There's no where to go and nothing to do, except BE what you are, without all the spiritual contexts you've picked up along the way.




tisdag 22 december 2009

Suzanne Foxton

Another pointer, I like her....:-)

No matter what seems to be going on, present awareness is always the case, whether we are poking it with a mind-stick or not.

Suzanne Foxton

A quote about the truth:

For Truth to be Truth, it must not change, it must be Absolute. If Truth could change, how could it be True?

Hui Neng



torsdag 17 december 2009

Think about this

Interesting ideas ( :- D ) of thought from Greg Goode:

There is no
my thought or your thought. There is just a thought,
without ownership.

When one takes the "I" to be undivided, impersonal, timeless, 
spaceless awareness, everything that arises is awareness. Let's say 
there is an arising of the entire world with galaxies, people, 
romance, mystery, travel, art, science, space exploration and 
subatomic particles. Where can it be other than awareness? It is - 
as awareness. Whatever was, is - as awareness, not separate from 
awareness. Since awareness has no edges or periphery, there is nothing else for anything to be made of. Nothing fails to arise. 
Where would the failure take place? There can't be anything missing. 
What can possibly be missing unless it were somewhere else? But where 
could that possibly be - with no edges or borders to awareness? There are no separate "places."

Other pointer-words don't *define* awareness, but they give the flavor 
or fragrance or esthetic of awareness: "presence," "love," 
"inclusion," "fullness," "home." Mmmm, very sweet!

The whole article:



fredag 11 december 2009

Let Go

Let the "let Go" do the job, let go of any doing, do not resist. Let the falling take place. Do not interfere with that wich is going on. It has nothing to do with "doing". It is a readiness to surrender when your name is called.

Francis Lucille

onsdag 9 december 2009

Tribute to Ramesh Balsekar

Ramesh past away this autum/winter, here is some words from this great sage from India:

Who wants to know what?

Our intellect or the ability the human being have namely "thinking", creates the idea in the Human that he is a separate entity, an individual. There is the constant feeling and an overwhelming conviction, that the world is over there and the sense of me is something different. This very idea, thought of separation IS the bondage. And with this concept of bondage the idea of liberation comes in. The intellect has separated him from the rest of the universe. The liberation comes when he realizes that he cannot be a separate entity, that he is an unbroken part with the whole of universe. When the impersonal consciousness identifies with an object, then the me comes in. It is the impersonal consciousness that brings about the individual, the individual is a concept. So the realisation of the falasy of the individual is the elightenment.

Ramesh Balsekar



måndag 7 december 2009

Tony Parsons

What we long for most and at the same time fear most is our own abscense.



lördag 5 december 2009

Words of the sages

"The eye trough which God sees me and the eye through which I see God are the same eye."


"Wherever the eye falls is the face of God"

Sufi saying

"That which is never ceases to be, that which is not never begins to be"

Baghavad Gita

Surrender from moment to moment to the totality of the landscape of your mind, body, world to the conscious presence to which it appears.

Francis Lucille




-Existence requires no identity and Its favorite game is "hide and seek"...

-When we are no moore then there is the perfekt lover, the beloved is shining through.



onsdag 2 december 2009

Tony Parson

There’s nowhere to go. There’s no goal. There’s no carrot. There’s no prize. All there is is this. But the difference between there just being what’s happening and the sense that it’s happening to you is immeasurable.

Tony Parson



tisdag 1 december 2009


When you demand nothing of the world, nor of God, when you want nothing, seek nothing, expect nothing, then the supreme state will come to you uninvited and unenspected.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaji

